martes, 16 de julio de 2013

Committing to myself

I recently had an epiphany/revelation.

It made me revisit all the concepts i once admitted into myself (all the hopeful ones at least)

And as Metaphysics state, the Universe does not work at random.

According to this, Everything I ever have in life is something assigned to me beforehand, so it cannot be taken away to anyone else or by anything else.

every experience I get to go through is meant to teach me something, a lesson I need to transcend.

And every lesson I go through, I have beforehand planned and asked for, even before I started living this life.

So, I am at no pint dispossessed, abandoned nor rejected.

The place i belong in is within myself, the one I belong with I have already found...

So, what is left is pure positive things: love, acceptance, growth, wisdom, prosperity.

And so, my hopes lie in my present and future, in all I am destined and meant to achieve, all that my effort and energy can make real.

And as the full extent of my capabilities are still obscured to me, I can still get to dream of all I can become, of all I can achieve....

so, basically, the lioness is awake and I'm quite motivated again. :)

Good thing is, this time it is not out of anger :)

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